About York County Interagency Coalition (YCIC)
The YCIC coalition developed in December 2000 from York County Community Health Board’s Forecast 2010 efforts. “As York County moves into the 21st Century, strengthening our health infrastructure starts with our citizens.”
Vision: to have a well-informed network of service providers to benefit all York County citizens.
Purpose: YCIC serves to provide a forum for the purposes of providing a medium for all service agencies in York County:
to exchange service and other important information to facilitate service networking;
to optimize interagency case management coordination for mutual clients;
to unite the member agencies’ voices for the purpose of initiating improvements in the local/regional delivery of health and human services; and
to offer an opportunity to members to create study groups/task forces to investigate concerns and areas of interest.
Membership includes representatives from:
Government Agencies
Nonprofit agencies
Businesses/ For-profit agencies
Religious organizations.
As a partner with YCIC, YourYC.com provides free online promotion for York County nonprofit organizations and community groups. Click here to learn more!
Need assistance or services? Please visit the YCIC members below or download the new York County Community Resource Guide here!
Are you a local nonprofit
or community organization?
Want to learn more about YCIC?
DUE TO COVID-19, we have suspended our monthly coalition meetings at Hospice & Community Care until further notice.
We are meeting via ZOOM on third Monday each month from 12:00-1:00pm.
This meeting is open to members only.
Click here to download the updated York County Community Resource Guide!
a project by

CLICK IMAGE to download the City Tour guide created by Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill.