York County is comprised of remarkable people who, like those who came before us, roll up their sleeves to make our communities some of the most sought-after places to live in South Carolina! We aren't surprised at all that we're the fastest growing county in the state.
York County government
A seven member County Council is the governing body of York County. The County Manager, who is appointed by the County Council, oversees the daily operations. The County Council meets the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m.
York County Council
District One: Tom Audette
District Two: Allison Love
District Three: Tommy Adkins
District Four: William "Bump" Roddey
District Five: Christy Cox, Chair
District Six: Watts Huckabee, Sr.
District Seven: Debbie Cloninger

Opportunities for you to address the County Council are available at at a scheduled public hearing or by contacting the Clerk to Council at (803) 628-3954.
Watch Council meetings online here!


York County chambers
Greater Clover Chamber of Commerce
Greater York Chamber of Commerce
Lake Wylie Chamber of Commerce
York County municipalities
​Rock Hill (largest city)​
York (county seat)

York County schools
​Clover School District 2​​​
​​Rock Hill School District 3​​
​​Fort Mill School District 4​
The Palmetto School (formerly CAH Charter School)
York Preparatory Academy (public charter school)
Private Schools
Pine Grove Christian Academy

Fort Mill
Comenius School For Creative Learning
Learning Links Of The Carolinas
Ultimate Life Christian Academy

Rock Hill
Catawba Baptist Child Dev Ctr & Academy (PK-5)
New Hope Carolinas (Alternative School)
Shekinah Christian Academy
St. Anne School
Trinity Christian School
Westminster Catawba Christian School
Blessed Hope Baptist School

Public Colleges & Universities

​​York Technical College (2 Year) Founded 1964​
​​Winthrop University (4 Year) Founded 1886
Private Colleges
​Clinton Junior College (2 Year) Founded 1894

Need help?
Call 2-1-1 for information
On a cell phone?
Call 866-892-9211
Click here to download the updated York County Community Resource Guide!
a project by

CLICK IMAGE to download the City Tour guide created by Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill.