Your YC is all about promoting York County events, activities and venues!

Please feel free to add your information here. Once we've reviewed it and it has been approved, it will be added to our event calendar page.

NOTE: YourYC.com only promotes events and organizations based in York County, SC.
Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis for organizations which are located in York County but may hold their event in a neighboring county. When the event is open and will benefit York County residents, that event may qualifiy for promotion on YourYC.com.
If you would like to see your event featured on the home page or in our weekly email newsletter with a link back to your website, as well as a paid posting on our Facebook page, you can choose from the enhanced listing options!
For-profit organizations and events must select the enhance listings to advertise your event in the newsletter on on the featured section of the home page.
Funds from the enhanced listings helps us keep YourYC.com community event promotion free to York County organizations and groups!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Prefer to send your flyer snail mail?
Please send at least one week in advance.

c/o The Loner Group, LLC​
PO Box 2991​
Rock Hill, SC 29732​

Include your email address and we'll send you a PDF of your flyer for your use!
Privacy Policy
We do not sell, trade or rent any email addressed received through YourYC.com. Opt-out options are included on all information or marketing emails sent by The Loner Group, LLC
We reserve the right to refuse any event submitted that does not reflect the mission of YourYC.com